Seismic restrained isolators OSM rated load 2800lbs 1270Kg color maroon

Model #:   SRI-2800
Product Name:   Seismic restrained isolators OSM rated load 2800lbs 1270Kg color maroon
Availability:  In Stock

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*Vibracan seismic isolators are fabricated using heavy duty steel. *Springs are made from high quality and heavy spring steel. *The seismic isolators are used where vertical restraint is required along with external forces. *Specially designed rubber cups are provided to avoid metal to metal contact.

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Thumbnail image(1) of Seismic restrained isolators OSM rated load 2800lbs 1270Kg color maroonThumbnail image(2) of Seismic restrained isolators OSM rated load 2800lbs 1270Kg color maroon
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Application: Used for wide range of HVAC equipments such as compressors, air handling units, fans, pumps and chillers, etc.


*Research and development is a continuous process with us, as improvements are made from time to time, specifications / dimensions may change without notice. *Tolerances in dimensions are as per international standards.

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